"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:7
Sometimes life throws us for a loop. Job concerns, issues with our families and health, social instability - these can be cause for much anxiety and frustration. We know that God is our ever present help and comfort (Psalms 46:1) and that He is always a prayer away. We are fortunate, though, that He has blessed the Body with individuals of many talents, given to us to grow and secure those of the faith. We are pleased, then, to now offer a range of Counseling Services.
The following individuals have agreed to extend their services to those in the congregation who may have need. Simply click on their Contact and you'll be able to submit a private and personal request. It is our earnest prayer that, through these efforts, God may bring peace and prosperity to your lives.
Our Counselors