It is our continuing mission at Estes Park to prepare and provide for the equipping of the Saints both here at our congregation and abroad. We therefore make available these tools in the hopes that they may be useful and beneficial in the growing of God's Kingdom.

The journey into the Faith is an infinitely rewarding one, but also an involved one. Learning what all our new life entails and what God desires of us is the work of a lifetime, but as with every journey, it begins with the first few steps. This, then, is our guide to those first steps.
Comprised of 9 easily accessible lessons designed to be taught and/or explored in 9 successive weeks, this book guides the new Christian into some basic "essentials." We cover how to study the Bible; overviews of the Old and New Testaments; exactly what Worship means and how we engage it; and those five "acts" of our worship, how they are worship, and why we do them. Including, also, are review questions for each lesson, as well as space to create notes for further review and study. Simple but solid, this book will take the new Christian into their first days of godly living, as well as provide refreshers and study sources for the seasoned saint. Whoever we are, wherever we are on our walk, this book can be a boon to our lives.
Designed for New Convert classes as a self-guided curriculum or expansion tool. However, it is a great resource for evangelism, ministry work, or just to add to one's personal library. Any and everyone can benefit from the studies shared within.
Price: $15 - order here
For a sample, click here.