Where God is Glorified, the Church is Edified, and Christ is Magnified.
Welcome to the Estes Park Church of Christ where God is Glorified, the Church is Edified, and Christ is Magnified.
If you like to worship God in spirit and in truth; if you enjoy thinking and meditating on God's Word; if you desire sound, biblical teaching; if you appreciate warm, intimate, genuine brotherliness, we believe that you will enjoy attending the services at Estes Park Church of Christ.
Our goals at Estes Park are to provide you with spiritual nourishment and encourage a nurturing relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are a New Testament church founded and rooted in the faith. We are excited to share the Bible with you as well as to discuss the Christian faith and any other biblical questions and concerns. We welcome and love you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Roy Montgomery, Sr. - Minister
A message from the Minister.
Daily Inspiration
January 18th - Young Ladies Culinary Class
Our first Young Ladies Culinary Class of the year will take place on Saturday, January 18th from 10-2 PM. For questions or further info, please contact Sis. Virginia Thomas.
​January 25th - Brothers Meeting
We're asking all brothers to be in attendance from 9:30-11 as we discuss those things pertinent to the work of the Lord's church here at Estes Park.
​​January 25th - "Living my Best Life" Holistic Wellness Workshop for Seniors
Join us for this informative and educational experience as we learn innovative holistic techniques to address and improve the experience of aging. The workshop will be presented by our own Sis. Belinda Ball and is sponsored by the Holistic Professionals of Color of Oklahoma City. To register, click here.
January 25th - Black History Program Practice
There will be a practice for the Black History Month program from 1:30-3:30. For more information, see Sis. Sonya Sanders.
January 26th - January Bday Celebration
We’ll be celebrating our January birthdays directly following morning worship. Let’s fellowship and embrace another turn around the sun!
January 26th - "Find your Fit" Ministry Fair
It's that time! Been looking to get involved? Been wanting to find the right fit for your talents? Ready to get to work for the Lord? Here's your chance! Join us for our Ministry Fair as we present the wide array of ministries active here at Estes Park. From Boys to Men to Young Ladies Etiquette to Education to Transportation to Evangelism - we've got something for everybody. The Lord has given each and every one of us unique gifts that can be turned to His service. Let's not block our blessings by blocking the chance to BE a blessing. So join us on the 26th. It's time to Find Your Fit.
February 1st - MLK Day Parade
Our youth will be participating in this year's MLK Day Parade. For info, contact Bro. Kevin Jackson.
What Must I Do To Be Saved?
Hear and Believe the words of the Gospel (Acts 15:7) ~ Repent of past sins (Acts 3:19) ~ Confess Jesus Christ to be the Son of God (Romans 10:9-10) ~ Be baptized into Christ Jesus for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38)